PACE - AnewHealth

Optimizing PACE Program Performance

Tabula Rasa HealthCare and CareVention HealthCare are now AnewHealth.

We are the industry-leading partner to most Programs for All-Inclusive Care of the Elderly (PACE), helping them elevate care and outcomes for participants while optimizing program costs and efficiency.

Today, we work with PACE Organizations across the country, providing at least one service from our portfolio.

Explore, build, and grow your PACE program


  • Market analysis, strategy planning, and financial feasibility support
  • PACE application, letter-of-intent support
  • Consulting services
  • Pharmacy benefit management service implementation


  • Application support
  • Staff recruiting and training/provider orientation and training
  • Pharmacy services implementation
  • Electronic health record (EHR) and related technology implementation
  • Third party administration services implementation
  • Coding and documentation support
  • Member marketing
  • Consulting services


  • Expansion strategies and operational assessments
  • Audit support/mock audits
  • Consulting services
  • Pharmacist support and medication delivery
  • Risk adjustment services
  • Clinical documentation and coding support
  • Pharmacy benefit management Part D and reporting services
  • Continued staff retention, recruiting, and training

PACE at-a-glance:


participants nationwide1

77 years

is the average participant age1


of participants are women1


of participants are dually eligible for Medicaid and Medicare1

Elderly couple looks at tablet


  1. NPA. As of 2021.
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